The School of Sacred Flames is your portal to deeper understanding of the Spiritual World around you.....workshops, courses and coaching


Yeah, I know - it has a bad image doesn't it? But let me ask you this - do you love walking outdoors? The changing seasons? The wind in your hair? Do you sense that there is "more" but don't know where to start?

Or maybe, you do feel Spiritual, but have felt doors have been closed to you before, or methods taught are unreachable?

The School of Sacred Flames is an accessible, friendly place for you to explore and be guided. We have monthly meditations, group Spiritual coaching for discussion and community, and courses for you to learn at your own pace. Coming in 2024, will be guest speakers talking about a whole host of different topics.

Nature's Spiritual though isn't it?

Yes! There is A LOT of the natural world in all offerings here at The School of Sacred Flames

It's one of our sacred flames - the divine spark of nature all around us, and within us too. Are we not nature also?

So, if you would like to become more aware of the seasonal energies that can inform and influence your Spiritual practice, then this is the place for you.

The First Sacred Flames are those of Hekate's torches - illuminating, and cleansing. Leading us to the light of understanding and knowledge

The Second Flames are those of the divine spark in all of nature, that inner light that is within everything, including us.

The Third Flame is the of the Violet Flame. Brought to us by St Germain, it brings forth healing for all and transmutes all negativity


My approach? Safety and Autonomy

The very nature of Spirituality can be confusing, especially when we come across something that is unexplainable. So my approach is all about only taking you where you wish to go and respect for all - each other and Spirit in all its forms.

Let's stop looking up, to be "higher," and lets start looking at all the Divine wonders all around us!

Three Tiers of Membership

Tier 1

£5 per month - a little taster of all that we provide here. Free meditation recordings, meditation sessions that you can join from the comfort of your home, and printables for deeper understanding

Tier 2

£30 per month, this level opens up a whole new experience. Regular workshops, meditations and rituals are included with huge discount on one off courses and workshops

Tier 3

£90 per month this level includes all of the previous levels wonderful offerings, no discount here, just access! - plus a monthly one to one Spiritual coaching session with me for that truly personal Spiritual guidance

Look within and feel the dance and hear the song. Look within, look without. The flames of life, the Divine spark of creation is all around you, and all within you.

You are one.

- Hekate


Headline that hooks people in, gets them excited and makes them want to sign up.

© Copyright 2024 Mima Cornish The School of Sacred Flames