The School of Sacred Flames is your portal to deeper understanding of the Spiritual World around you.....workshops, courses and coaching

Mima Cornish

Mima is a Meditation leader, Healer, Spiritual Coach and Counsellor

Mima has a lifetime of experience which has helped her when building her own spiritual business. Always developing her practice, she is now collating together that knowledge, alongside experience gained teaching meditation, spiritual workshops and readings through Hedgerose Healing, to create a brand new place for you; The School of Sacred Flames. Throughout her time in the profession, Mima has witnessed a distinct lack of compassion in Spiritual teaching, and wanted to create The School of Sacred Flames as a safe space. Mima has created this as a place of inclusion to combat the inappropriate anti LGBTQIA+ narratives and ableist practices, whilst aiming to avoid the misappropriation of traditions from oppressed peoples.

The School of Sacred Flames is here to empower you, to guide you through your own spiritual journey, and to reassure you that your feelings and experiences are completely valid.

LIsten up!

My mission statement!

Hello and welcome! Its great to meet you! Thank you for joining me on this exciting journey to explore Spirituality together

My Mission Statement:

Your spiritual journey is yours. I am not your “leader” – you have full autonomy. I will hold space, not command it. Also, accessibility is key. If you have tried meditation before and found it impossible, if you have wanted to Spiritually progress but found the information unpalatable, I can use my knowledge to help you find the methods, or pathway that is right for YOU.

I will never force you to go somewhere that does not feel right

Being vulnerable is courageous, but being pushed to go somewhere that feels unsafe is wrong. I will never do that. Please know that we will be working together, and that you have control over your experience. There will be no pressure on you to be or do anything that doesn’t feel right.

As we move into our Spirituality, we will be questioning and discussing the use of the following:

Negating others' experiences through toxic positivity

Using terms like "sheeple" and "awakened" to exert superiority over another

Spiritual bypassing

Racism of any kind ( including black = "bad", white="good")

Transphobia ( including when talking about the Divine feminine)

Is compassion not the core of Spirituality? How can we call ourselves Spiritual if we do not show compassion, and how can we call ourselves compassionate, if we do not show compassion for all?

The First Sacred Flames are those of Hekate's torches - illuminating, and cleansing. Leading us to the light of understanding and knowledge

The Second Flames are those of the divine spark in all of nature, that inner light that is within everything, including us.

The Third Flame is the of the Violet Flame. Brought to us by St Germain, it brings forth healing for all and transmutes all negativity


Suspendisse pulvinar, metus vitae finibus interdum, nunc nibh interdum sem, nec tempus ante ante quis nisi.

© Copyright 2024 Mima Cornish The School of Sacred Flames